Water who you Are

People are impressionable. We are molded by others, shaped by collective themes, adaptive to others needs.

Group think can move us toward images, beliefs and ideas that overlay our deeper unique impulses and expressions.

Little by little too much focus “out there” and we’re stripped of something vital. We can start to abandon parts of ourselves to be seen & acknowledged. We may follow what’s trending & compromise deeper self listening.

Staying connected to your core essence in a noisy world full of distractions and false profits is an act of discernment, self reverence and diligent commitment. And a practice to return to, again and again.

In a world that wants us “out there” pushing, hustling, producing, and maintaining some false frequency of perfection— tending to your soul-center-source can be a profoundly subversive act.

We may need to do some serious work to let go of other people’s energy, projections, and collective prescriptions for who and how we should be. Because the truth of it is, if we keep looking “out there” for direction and protection we are undoubtedly going to lose our way.

Isn’t it time you water who you are and grow into who you came here to be?
We need you.

Join me for Somatic Coaching to (re)connect to soul-center-source and create a life by design.


Nature Heals


A story of Healing